The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillipa Gregory


Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseñó a volar by Luis Sepúlveda


Hunger's Brides by Paul Anderson


Guatemalan Journey by Stephen Connely Benz


Bad Heir Day by Wendy Holden

JPod by Douglas Coupland

A Venom Beneath the Skin by Marcos M. Villatoro

Grave Secrets by Kathy Reichs

King Dork by Frank Portman

Kids Cable Sweater

Pattern: Coats & Clark

Yarn: Lion Wool-Ease

Color: Oxford Gray

Needles: 4.5mm & 5.5mm

35% complete

Hats for the Family

Pattern: Jester Hat

Yarn: Lion Wool-Ease Chunky

Color: Charcoal

Needles: 5.0mm & 5.5mm dpn

66% complete


Pattern: Haven't decided

Yarn: A very nice, discounted merino

Color: Gray

Needles: ?

2% complete

Afghan Sampler

Pattern: Various squares of cables, bobbles & lace

Yarn: Acrylic!

Color: Fisherman

Needles: 6.0mm

20% complete

Queen of the South by Arturo Perez-Reverte

How to Practice by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

  • Heridas de Amor
  • heridas_amor_770x300

    Not an original title (google it, there are references throughout the internet--we are not a dying breed) but an accurate one. Reading (& knitting) promiscuously keeps my nose clean, my hands busy and my mind off of other preoccupations of modern life.

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    Sunday, July 23, 2006

    I concede defeat....

    Comparing morning coffee activities with my husband the other day, I realized that I had to concede defeat. While drinking my coffee, I usually sit in front of the computer and peruse three newspapers: the Seattle Times, the New York Times and El Pais from Spain. I thought that was doing pretty well--considering I also had kids, etc to take care of as well. He, however, reads FIVE! papers, La Nacion from Costa Rica, Siglo XXI from Guatemala, two local papers and El Pais. I may have to consider adding another paper to my repertoire....
    Finished Bad Heir Day. Perfect summer read. Funny, good word play and an ending that had the prettiest pink bow on it...sometimes it's just lovely to take a break from reality. I'm on to The Other Boleyn Girl and then Hunger's Bride (do I detect a hint of procrastination in attempting to tackle a book with over 1300 pages?---perhaps).

    Comments on "I concede defeat...."


    Blogger melinama said ... (8:43 AM) : 

    Hi! Have you disappeared from our blog? Are you not doing Thursdays any more? Please contact me! Thanks!


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